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AddInfo v1.4
AddInfo and this documentation are Copyright © 1994 by Michael Barsoom.
-+- License -+-
AddInfo may be freely distributed as long as no charge is made other
than to cover time and copying costs. This should be no higher than what
Fred Fish charges from one of his freely redistributable disks.
You may not copy and/or distribute this program without the accompanying
documentation unless you get permission from the author to do so.
Fred Fish and Walnut Creek have permission to include this program on their
FD disks/CDRoms.
Finally if you wish to include AddInfo on a disk magazine you are REQUIRED
to get the author's permission FIRST. Usually this will require you to
just send me a copy of the issue with AddInfo free of charge.
-+- Disclaimer -+-
This product is sold "as is" without representation or warranty of
any kind, either expressed or implied. The user assumes all risks and
responsibilities related to its use.
-+- Introduction -+-
AddInfo will automatically add icons to files that dont have them. It does
this by examining the file, determining the filetype and adding the icon
you have specified for that type in the config file. By default AddInfo
will not replace existing icons, and will 'float' the icon position in the
new icons; but both options can be changed by cli keywords/tooltypes. If
AddInfo cannot find the file type in the prefs file, you can use a
filerequester to choose the icon you which to add. AddInfo is also fully
localized, do it can be run in any language. Included is AddInfoPrefs, a
GUI to quickly and easily edit AddInfo prefs file.
-+- Requirements -+-
1) Workbench 2.0+
2) ReqTools library v38+ (© Nico Francois) Not Included
3) WhatIs library (© Sylvain Rougier & Pierre Carette) Included
-+- Optional -+-
If you use the NewIcon package by Nicola Salmoria, AddInfo will not destroy
the palette information when it adds icons to files.
-+- Installation -+-
1) Put AddInfo where ever you want
2) Modify the prefs file to your system and save it in either ENV: or S:
NOTE: If you want to use AddInfoPrefs to modify the supplied prefs
file, first copy it to S: or ENV: so that it can find it.
3) Make sure you have reqtools and WhatIt libraries installed.
NOTE: WhatIs library is included, please see its documentation on
how to set it up.
-+- Usage -+-
From CLI.
AddInfo File/M/A,NoFloat/S,Quiet/S,Force/S:
<File> name of files to add icons to
NoFloat don't 'float' the position of new icons
Quiet suppress all error messages
Force add the icon, even if one exists
NOTE: if quiet is selected you will not be presented with the file
requester if the file type is not found in the prefs file
From WorkBench
You can specify the following tooltypes,
NoFloat \
Quiet } see above for a description
Force /
You just extend select the files you wish to add icons to.
-+- Prefs File format -+-
; Template TYPE/A,ICON/A/F
; Type = WhatIs file type
; Icon = Full path of icon to use for that type
; with or without the .info
c sc:icons/def_c
The above is an example of the prefs file. Each line is a different
config. The first argument should be the filetype, the second the full
path of the icon to use with that type without the .info. If the filetype
contains spaces be sure to enclose them in quotes.
The prefs file can be saved in ENV: or in S: AddInfo will look in ENV:
first however.
-+- AddInfoPrefs -+-
AddInfoPrefs is a gui editor to quickly edit your prefs. AddInfoPrefs when
run will present you with a list of all filetypes that your system
currently recognizes (these include those built into WhatIt.library and the
ones you've setup in the S:FileTypes). Under this list is a string gadget.
This gadget will show the name of the icon (without the .info) that AddInfo
will give the highlighted filetype. You can select the icon in one of
three ways. 1) just type it in the string gadget 2) click on 'Get' and use
the file requester to pick the icon or 3) just drop the icon on the window
and AddInfoPrefs will automatically change the current icon to the one you
The other three buttons are self explanatory.
There are two versions of AddInfoPrefs. The one without the letter 'm' uses
gadtools for its GUI, and the one with the letter 'm' use MUI for its gui.
However they two version work exactly the same.
-+- Shareware -+-
Please support the shareware concept.
AddInfo is shareware, if you use it regularly you are asked to pay
the shareware fee of $5 US.
-+- Thanks -+-
To my loving wife Barbara.
-+- Bugs, Suggestions -+-
you can reach me at:
5524 Pine Street
Omaha NE 68106
Internet: mbars@bluejay.creighton.edu
-+- History -+-
o First release
o Would not open addinfo.catalog if it existed. (fixed)
o If you specified a dir as 'name/' on the cli, addinfo would not
add the icon, but rather make a .info file in the directory (fixed)
o Include MagicWorkbench style icons, thank to Niels Jørgensen
for send them to me.
o Includes whatis.library v4.2
o Forgot to close the Locale.library and the catalog (fixed)
o Made executable shorter
o Added some more error checking, NOTE: Catalog has changed slightly.
o If file already has an icon you will be asked if you want to replace it
o Icons can not be specified in the prefs file with or without the .info
o Full support for NewIcons added.
o Added 'abort' to requesters.
o Added Norsk (Norwegian) catalog, thanks to Øyvind Falch
o First release
o Reload gadget is disabled untill config is changed.
o It would not think that the config was changed if you changed
it using the appwindow (fixed)
o Some memory was not being returned after exiting (fixed)
o Now uses file image instead for get gadget.
o Some minor fixes in the code.
o Now if there is already an icon name specified, the filerequester will
default to that icon
o Now longer requires reqtools, it will now use the built in asl file
requester which is part of the mui package.